Plant Water Management in Microgravity
CSS was selected by NASA through its REMIS contract to serve as payload developer, performing mission integration and operations to advance the fundamental research to a higher Technology Readiness Level.
The Plant Water Management (PWM) project demonstrates the concepts of adequate hydration and aeration to a plant’s root zone in a microgravity environment to sustain plant life from germination through harvest. PWM capitalizes on physics and geometry that is functional in both a normal and microgravity environment to deliver water and nutrients.
CSS was selected by NASA through its REMIS contract to serve as payload developer, performing mission integration and operations to advance the fundamental research to a higher TRL (Technology Readiness Level). CSS supported the PWM principle investigator in developing the science and engineering requirements that served as the blueprint for developing the 3,4,5 and 6 series of hardware delivered to the International Space Station (ISS) for demonstration.
Additional Projects
Cleaning Up the National Anthrax Attack
Challenge CSS working alongside of the U. S. Centers for Disease Control characterized the extent of building contamination and subsequently determined that the entire 100,000 foot building and contents would need to be decontaminated. A novel method needed to be developed and implemented for cleaning the massive number of mail pouches, packages and artifacts destined…
Supporting EPA’s Emergency Response Efforts following Hurricane Harvey
CSS staff served as lead technical advisors on a multi-agency environmental response team after Hurricane Harvey.
IT Support to NOAA Fisheries
Our IT services support included developing and integrating information management systems central to NOAA Fisheries’ management and protection of living marine resources and their habitats
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