Human Health Risk Assessment
We help advance the understanding of chemical effects on people and the environment.

About This Service
CSS helps our clients assess the effects of chemicals on human health and the environment. Our scientists research and analyze pesticides, herbicides, and other agricultural and industrial chemicals.
Examples of our work include:
- Examining the movement, metabolism, and degradation of chemicals
- Conducting and evaluating studies that measure or predict exposure limits
- Characterizing risks
- Risk assessment
- Weight of evidence analyses
- Regulatory compliance
- Environmental Justice
- Quality assurance
Our scientists are experts in evaluating data on:
- Pesticide residues in food, feed crops, and livestock
- Mammalian toxicity for agricultural and industrial chemicals
- Chemical toxicity to non-target species
We calculate exposure and other parameters:
- Critical endpoints
- PALs (Preliminary Action Levels)
- NOAELs and LOAELs (no- and lowest-observed adverse effect level
- RfDs and RfCs (acceptable reference doses and concentrations)
- Cancer values
- Human Health Reference Values (HHRVs)
We conduct research:
- Dose-response testing of herbicides in greenhouse and field studies
- Herbicide drift impacts on native plant communities
- Effects of nanoparticles on plant growth and reproduction
Get in Touch
Contact us to learn more about our Human Health Risk Assessment services area.