HABs Interagency Research and Action Plans
Our scientists helped set the standard for coordinated research and action to reduce the impacts of HABs.
HABs Interagency Research and Action Plans
CSS scientists served as coordinator of the Interagency Harmful Algal Bloom and Hypoxia Research and Control Act working group (IWG-HABHRCA). The interagency working group comprises 50 representatives from 13 federal agencies, the White House, and Congress, and coordinates development of research and action plans to reduce impacts of HABs. CSS staff successfully coordinated the development and production of two Congressional Reports as well as multiple policy and progress reports under the IWG-HABHRCA.
Additional Projects
ITC Tank Farm Fire Emergency Response
In response to a dangerous fire EPA ordered CSS’ senior field operations specialists to a facility near Houston where massive tanks stored highly flammable liquids to help manage emergency response activities.
Expert Guidance to EPA’s Consequence Management Advisory Division
Technical Support for EPA’s Consequence Management Advisory Division (CMAD) – CSS provides expert technical guidance and field support related to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) decontamination.
Red Hill Drinking Water Crisis
CSS supported the U.S. EPA Red Hill response operations in Hawaii in early 2022.
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