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View over a valley with a fog settled between the mountains

Monitoring Air Quality in California’s San Joaquin Valley

CSS employee owners supported the deployment and operation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) air quality monitoring trailer (WEAVE COM – Western Enhanced Air quality VEhicle for COmmunity Monitoring) in California’s San Joaquin Valley in during late fall and early winter of 2024.  Elevated particulate matter (PM2.5) is frequently found throughout the valley during…

Person in a laboratory works on an instrument

Monitoring Algal Blooms for Harmful Toxins

CSS employee owners support NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) Harmful Algal Blooms (HAB) Sensor Development Team in their efforts to detect and monitor these harmful algal blooms in coastal waters where they are likely to occur. HAB monitoring is critical for detecting harmful toxins produced by some algae. When present in over…

Laura Nielsen

Leadership TeamLaura Nielsen Vice President, Operations Ms. Nielsen plays a critical role in overseeing various aspects of company operations, particularly focusing on the contracting and subcontracting processes. She provides support across multiple domains including administration, office management, business development, proposal support, contract management, event planning, and program management. Additionally, Laura is entrusted with the oversight…

Brian Ashe

Leadership TeamBrian Ashe Senior Vice President Mr. Ashe joined CSS with the acquisition of Riverside Technology and is responsible for satellite development, weather and environmental intelligence programs. He holds a degree in Business Administration from Cornell University and master’s degree in Environmental Policy and Management from the University of Denver.

Woman stands on a hill

Supporting Response Efforts Following California Fires

Following the fires that devastated Los Angeles, California and surrounding areas in January 2025, CSS employee owners were deployed to the area as a subcontractor to Weston Solutions, Inc. to assist with the response. This effort supports U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 9 Superfund Technical Assessment & Response Team (START) program.   Initially, a CSS…

stream running through a wooded area

Over 2000 River and Stream Samples Analyzed

Every five years teams supporting U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Aquatic Resource Survey—consisting of tribal, state, and federal partners—collect samples from over 2000 river and stream reaches throughout the United States. CSS analytical chemists support this effort by processing the samples and then analyzing them for various chemicals to help characterize their water quality.  The…

Entrance to an abandoned mine in a hillside

Assessing Contamination in Abandoned Mines

CSS supports the Environmental Protection Agency with assessing contamination within abandoned mines. There are thousands of abandoned mines throughout the western United States. Many of these mines are leaching heavy metals into nearby streams or have contaminated soils causing vegetation die off.   CSS employee owners conduct field work to assess the extent of this contamination.…

CSS Awarded Five Year Subcontract Supporting the Bureau of Engraving and Printing

For over 22 years, CSS has supported the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (BEP). Originally as a prime contractor, CSS began supporting BEP in 2002. In November 2024, a new prime contractor, Koniag, signed CSS as a major subcontractor, which enabled CSS employee owners to continue providing comprehensive environmental, occupational safety and industrial hygiene support…

Developing a Decontamination Line Guide for EPA Responders

CSS employee owners supporting the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Scientific and Technical Assistance for Consequence Management (STACM) contract have been working with the National Chemical Preparedness Workgroup and Sub Workgroups to create a decontamination (decon) line guide and detailed drawing for EPA on-scene coordinators and EPA’s special teams to use for emergency responses and incidents. The…